Chairman's Message
Dear Parents and student
I have always strived to give an excellent infrastructure and an enabling environment in all my schools. I take this opportunity to congratulate all the parents, patrons and well-wishers for the status of the school will help our students to make the best use of their abilities not only in India but also abroad. It's my commitment that Sunrise International School will continue to promote quality education and children will enjoy their learning and reap abundant harvest as long as they are under my protection. Teaching according to me is not 'run-of-the-mill-job". It is a commitment that demands impeccable character and elements of honesty and sacrifice to serve as role model for the students. It is not a job of the last resort. It is an elevated position of a Nation Builder. Unless the teachers of the Nation imbibe this spirit, the country will keep slipping on the corruption perception index. Manager Sunrise International School Rajapur No.2, Mariyahu, Jaunpur