School Regulations:
To maintain strict discipline, to speed up progress & streamline efficiency, we are compelled to take certain precautionary measures in the institution. Their compliance is compulsory any failure to do so many necessitate disciplinary actions without prior notice.
- All students must arrive on time to attend morning assembly.
- Absence from school must be justified by a written application signed by parents/guardians.
- Each arrival and absence will be recorded in the school diary duly signed by the parents and the principle and will be taken into account while considering promotion of the student.
- Parent may be called to justify, if a student is habitually late or a shirker on trivial matters.
- Students will not allowed go home before the school hour unless there is emergency. Either of the parents/guardians must come to escort the student.
- Students must respect all teachers and authorities. They must be courteous and polite under all circumstances.
- Any damage done to the school property or to the belongings of the staff or any other student will have to be compensated for
- Under no circumstances the school authorities will be held liable for indiscipline or misconduct on the part of any students outside the school premises.
- Any misdemeanor during the examination hall will amount to failure in the subjects and will be dealt with stern disciplinary action.
- As the medium of instruction in this school in English, it's compulsory for the students to converse in English.